Sunday, October 24, 2010

Truly Exceptional

At a recent workshop I attended on customer experience, our speaker pointed out how Starbucks has managed to create an amazing "third space" that we've all come to rely on between home and work.  If you are a Starbucks or Caribou addict like I am, you know what she means.

A few months ago, I was going through the drive-through of my "third space" when something truly amazing happened: the driver in front of me paid for my drink!  I was blown away.  In fact, I was speechless and dumb-founded.  I drove to work and told all of my coworkers.  I posted it on my Facebook page.   I really couldn't believe it.  And it made my day.   

But then I started wondering, what is wrong with me?  Why did this one small act of kindness, given all of the exceptional generosity and unexpected support we've had since February 23, put me into a tail spin?   

"Exceptional becomes truly exceptional when it becomes the rule."  Linda Ireland made this comment about the customer experience, but I love the broader meaning it has.  My Starbucks friend didn't know if I was having a bad day, or a bad year, but she chose to be generous - just because.  Generosity can be the rule, with or without a reason for it.  It can be a gift, or as simple as a smile.  It's listening, or asking how you can help.  It's being patient with each other.  It's something I've relied on this year more than ever, and it is truly exceptional when it is present in your life.             

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The recent progress on our house has been exciting to watch. The interior walls are in place, the windows are in, and a crew was working on the roof shingles today. It is really starting to look like a house, and we can't wait to live there. Annika and Marit like to explore inside the house and are curious about the whole process, wondering, "Isn't our house going to have a door? Are we always going to have to walk up a plank to get in? Are we going to have to use that dirty tub?" For Matt and me, it is fun to see the designs we studied on paper come to life, albeit with some surprises. It is a big house - no doubt about it - but it is beautiful and we can't wait to move in and invite you all over!